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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective nonconductive has 1 sense
  1. nonconductive, nonconducting - not able to conduct heat or electricity or sound
    Antonyms: conductive, semiconducting, semiconductive

Definitions from the Web



1. Not capable of conducting electricity or heat.

Example sentence: Rubber is an excellent nonconductive material, making it suitable for insulation purposes.

Related products: Nonconductive gloves, Nonconductive mat


1. A substance or material that does not allow electricity or heat to pass through.

Example sentence: The nonconductive used in the construction of the circuit board prevents electrical current from flowing.

Related products: Nonconductive paint, Nonconductive coating


1. (rare) To make something nonconductive, to prevent the conduction of electricity or heat.

Example sentence: In order to protect the delicate electronic components, they nonconducted the surface with a specific treatment.

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noncompetitive noncompetitively noncompliance noncompliant noncomprehensive noncomprehensively nonconcentric nonconducting nonconductive nonconductor nonconformance nonconforming nonconformism nonconformist nonconformity nonconscious noncontagious

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