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nominative case


Definitions from WordNet

Noun nominative case has 1 sense
  1. nominative, nominative case, subject case - the category of nouns serving as the grammatical subject of a verb
    --1 is a kind of case, grammatical case

Definitions from the Web

Nominative Case

Definition: The nominative case is a grammatical case used in various languages to indicate the subject of a verb or a predicate noun.


Sense 1:

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: The case used for the subject of a sentence or clause.

Example sentence: The nominative case in English is typically marked by the subject pronouns such as "I," "you," or "he."

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Sense 2:

Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Pertaining to or functioning as the nominative case.

Example sentence: The verb "to be" is often followed by a nominative case predicate noun.

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Sense 3:

Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Generally accepted or recognized as true or correct for a particular group of people or within a specific locality.

Example sentence: The phrase "the bee's knees" is a nominative case for something that is considered excellent.

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