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Definitions from WordNet

Noun noc has 1 sense
  1. NOC - an undercover agent who is given no official cover
    --1 is a kind of
    secret agent, intelligence officer, intelligence agent, operative

Definitions from the Web


1. Noun

Definition: In computer science, Network Operation Center (NOC) refers to a centralized location where network administrators supervise, monitor, and maintain a company's network infrastructure.

Sample Sentence: The NOC team quickly responded to the network outage and resolved the issue within minutes.

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2. Noun

Definition: Noc is a Japanese term for a street food often referred to as "okonomiyaki," a savory pancake made with various ingredients such as cabbage, meat, and seafood.

Sample Sentence: I enjoyed a delicious noc from a food stall during my visit to Osaka.

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3. Abbreviation

Definition: NOC can also stand for National Olympic Committee, which is a governing body responsible for organizing and representing a particular country's participation in the Olympic Games.

Sample Sentence: The NOC's determination and preparation ensured a successful Olympic campaign for the nation's athletes.

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4. Adjective

Definition: In local slang, "noc" can be used as an adjective to describe something or someone as cool, trendy, or stylish.

Sample Sentence: That new car is totally noc! I wish I had one.

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