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Definitions from WordNet

Noun nitrosobacteria has 1 sense
  1. nitrosobacteria, nitrous bacteria - soil bacteria that oxidize ammonia to nitrites
    --1 is a kind of eubacteria, eubacterium, true bacteria
    --1 is a member of Nitrosomonas, genus Nitrosomonas

Definitions from the Web



Nitrosobacteria are a group of bacteria that play a crucial role in the process of nitrification, converting ammonia into nitrite. They are commonly found in soil and aquatic environments, and are essential for maintaining the nitrogen cycle.

Sample Sentences:

Noun (Plural):

  1. The nitrosobacteria were thriving in the rich, nitrogen-rich soil.
  2. Researchers discovered a new species of nitrosobacteria in the freshwater lake.


  1. The nitrosobacteria population increased significantly after the addition of organic fertilizers.
  2. It is important to monitor the nitrosobacteria activity in the aquarium for proper nitrification.

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