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Definitions from WordNet

Noun newsman has 1 sense
  1. reporter, newsman, newsperson - a person who investigates and reports or edits news stories
    --1 is a kind of communicator
    --1 has particulars:
     newswoman; television reporter, television newscaster, TV reporter, TV newsman

Definitions from the Web



Newsmen refers to individuals who are involved in gathering, reporting, or presenting news. They are responsible for researching, writing, and delivering news stories through various mediums such as print, broadcast, or online platforms.


Noun: The newsmen arrived at the scene of the accident to gather information for their news report.

Plural noun: The newsmen in the press conference asked several probing questions to get more details about the situation.

Adjective: The newsmen industry has witnessed significant changes with the rise of digital media.

Possible Related Products:

News Reporting Guide

Journalism Ethics Book

Newsroom Equipment and Accessories

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