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new waver


Definitions from WordNet

Noun new waver has 1 sense
  1. New Waver - a film maker who follows New Wave ideas
    --1 is a kind of
    film maker, filmmaker, film producer, movie maker

Definitions from the Web

New Waver


  1. A person who follows the New Wave movement, especially in music and fashion.
  2. Slang term for a member of the New Wave music movement in the 1980s.
  3. Someone who adopts or imitates the style or culture of the New Wave movement.

Example Sentences:

  1. Emily dressed like a true new waver in her brightly colored clothes and punk-inspired makeup.
  2. The new waver band playing tonight will bring back memories of the 80s.
  3. Although born in the 90s, he embraced the new waver style, with his asymmetrical haircut and leather jacket.

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