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Adjective netted has 1 sense
- lacy, netlike, netted, webbed, weblike, webby - having open interstices or resembling a web
Antonym: nonreticulate (indirect, via reticulate)
Verb net has 4 senses
- net, sack, sack up, clear - make as a net profit; "The company cleared $1 million"
--1 is one way to profit, gain, benefit
Sample sentence:
Somebody ----s something
- net, clear - yield as a net profit; "This sale netted me $1 million"
--2 is one way to yield, pay, bear
Sample sentence:
Something ----s something
- web, net - construct or form a web, as if by weaving
--3 is one way to weave, tissue
Sample sentence:
Somebody ----s something
- net, nett - catch with a net; "net a fish"
--4 is one way to catch, grab, take hold of
Sample sentence:
Somebody ----s something