Definitions from the Web
nepohunqltzitzin is a Nahuatl term used to describe an extraordinary and revered woman who possesses great wisdom, kindness, and spiritual power.
Noun (singular):
- The community regarded her as a nepohunqltzitzin, praising her for her guidance and healing abilities.
- She was seen as the embodiment of a nepohunqltzitzin, carrying the weight of her people's hopes and dreams.
Noun (plural):
- The ancient legends speak of the nepohunqltzitzin, wise women who protected their tribes.
- Many aspire to become nepohunqltzitzin, channeling their inner strength and spiritual power.
- Her nepohunqltzitzin qualities shone through as she offered guidance to those in need.
- The community gathered to honor the nepohunqltzitzin women for their exceptional wisdom.
- She strives to nepohunqltzitzin, empowering others through her teachings and spirituality.
- Healing and guiding, she nepohunqltzitzined with love and compassion.
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