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Definitions from WordNet

Noun neology has 2 senses
  1. neologism, neology, coinage - a newly invented word or phrase
    --1 is a kind of word
    --1 has particulars: blend, portmanteau word, portmanteau
  2. neologism, neology, coinage - the act of inventing a word or phrase
    --2 is a kind of invention

Definitions from the Web



Neology is the creation or introduction of new words, phrases, or expressions into a language.


Sense 1:

As a noun, neology refers to the practice or study of creating new words.

Example: The professor specialized in neology, constantly inventing new terms to define obscure concepts.

Sense 2:

As a noun, neology can also refer to the new words or expressions that are introduced into a language.

Example: The internet has contributed greatly to neology, with words like "selfie" and "LOL" becoming mainstream.



In popular culture, neology is often associated with linguistic creativity and innovation.

Example: The rapper's lyrics are filled with neology, showcasing his unique style and wordplay.


Neology can be influenced by local dialects and cultural contexts.

Example: The native tribe's language incorporated neology specific to their natural surroundings.

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