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1. Feeling sick or experiencing a sensation of wanting to vomit.

Example sentence: After eating the spoiled food, Sarah felt nauseous and had to lie down.

Related products:

- Anti-Nausea Bracelet

- Anti-Nausea Wristbands

- Anti-Nausea Ginger Candy


2. Causing a feeling of sickness or disgust.

Example sentence: The foul smell from the garbage can was nauseous and made everyone in the room gag.

Related products:

- Air Freshener

- Deep Cleaning Solution

- Odor Remover


It is important to note that "nauseous" is often mistakenly used in place of "nauseated." The correct usage is:

- When feeling sick or wanting to vomit, use "I feel nauseated."

- When something causes a feeling of sickness or disgust, use "That smell is nauseous."

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