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narrow-body aircraft


Definitions from WordNet

Noun narrow-body aircraft has 1 sense
  1. narrowbody aircraft, narrow-body aircraft, narrow-body - a commercial airliner with a single aisle
    --1 is a kind of airliner

Definitions from the Web

Narrow-Body Aircraft

Definition: A narrow-body aircraft, also known as a single-aisle aircraft, is a type of airplane characterized by its relatively narrow fuselage width, typically with only one aisle between the rows of seats.


Sense 1 (Aviation): Refers to a commercial aircraft specifically designed for short to medium-haul flights, carrying a limited number of passengers. These aircraft have a seating configuration with single or double aisles, accommodating approximately 100 to 220 passengers.

Sense 2 (Architecture): Describes a building or structure having a narrow silhouette or footprint.

Example Sentences:

  1. The narrow-body aircraft landed smoothly at the airport, marking the beginning of a pleasant vacation for the passengers.
  2. Despite its compact size, the narrow-body aircraft offers a comfortable and efficient travel experience.
  3. Boeing's latest narrow-body aircraft, the 737 MAX, provides improved fuel efficiency and advanced technological features.
  4. The architect designed a sleek and innovative narrow-body office building, maximizing the available space in the urban area.
  5. Passengers praised the narrow-body aircraft for its spacious overhead compartments, allowing easy access to their carry-on luggage.

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