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nand gate


Definitions from WordNet

Noun nand gate has 1 sense
  1. NAND circuit, NAND gate - a logic gate that produces an output that is the inverse of the output of an AND gate
    --1 is a kind of gate, logic gate

Definitions from the Web


A NAND gate is an electronic logic gate that performs the logical operation of the negation of the conjunction (AND) operation. It takes two or more inputs and produces a single output.


1. Electronics: In electronics, a NAND gate is a digital logic gate with the symbol ⊼. It can have two or more inputs and produces a low output (logic 0) only when all of its inputs are high (logic 1).

2. Computing: In computing, a NAND gate is extensively used in the design and construction of integrated circuits. It plays a key role in performing various logical functions and forming the fundamental building block of digital systems.

Sample Sentences:

1. The circuit diagram showcased the use of multiple NAND gates to implement the logic function.

2. The microprocessor chip utilizes various NAND gates to execute complex computations.

3. The NAND gate is widely employed in computer memory systems due to its versatility and cost-effectiveness.

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