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Definitions from WordNet

Noun mvp has 1 sense
  1. most valuable player, MVP - the player judged to be the most important to the sport
    --1 is a kind of player, participant

Definitions from the Web




  1. In sports, the Most Valuable Player award given to the individual who is considered to have made the most significant impact on their team's success.
    Example sentence: He was awarded the MVP for his exceptional performance throughout the basketball season.
    Related products on Amazon: MVP Trophy, MVP Award
  2. In product development, the Minimum Viable Product, which refers to an early version of a product with enough features to satisfy initial customers and provide feedback for future development.
    Example sentence: The company decided to launch the MVP of their new app to test its market acceptance before investing in further development.
    Related products on Amazon: Minimum Viable Product Book, MVP Development Guide
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