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Mutiara is a term commonly used in the Malay language, with various meanings and usages. It can be used as a noun, adjective, or even as part of a proper noun.


1. Literal Meaning: In its literal sense, mutiara means "pearl" and refers to a precious and valuable gemstone formed inside the shell of certain mollusks.

Example Sentence: She wore a stunning necklace adorned with mutiara pearls.

Related Products: Mutiara Pearls

2. Figurative Meaning: In a figurative sense, mutiara can connote something precious, rare, or of great value.

Example Sentence: The elderly man shared mutiara wisdom, gained from his many years of experience.


1. Beautiful: As an adjective, mutiara can describe something or someone as beautiful, exquisite, or charming.

Example Sentence: The dancer gracefully performed a mutiara-like routine, mesmerizing the audience.

Proper Noun

1. Places: Mutiara can also be part of a proper noun, commonly used as a name for establishments such as hotels, resorts, or shopping centers.

Example Sentence: We stayed at Hotel Mutiara during our vacation in Malaysia.

Related Products: Hotel Mutiara

2. Personal Names: Mutiara can be used as a personal name, often given to women, symbolizing their elegance or as a reference to the pearl-like qualities they possess.

Example Sentence: Mutiara looked stunning in her evening gown, attracting everyone's attention.

Related Products: Mutiara Jewelry

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