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mule driver


Definitions from WordNet

Noun mule driver has 1 sense
  1. muleteer, mule skinner, mule driver, skinner - a worker who drives mules
    --1 is a kind of laborer, manual laborer, labourer, jack

Definitions from the Web

Mule Driver


A mule driver refers to a person who primarily handles, rides, or guides mules. Mule drivers are skilled in managing these hybrid animals and are commonly employed in various industries, such as transportation, mining, and agriculture.



  1. The mule driver skillfully maneuvered the mules through the treacherous mountain paths.
  2. She hired a mule driver to transport her goods across the vast desert.
  3. The mule driver loaded the bags onto the mule's sturdy back.

Verb (transitive):

  1. He mule-drived the cargo from the warehouse to the docks.
  2. The farmer mule-drives his harvest to the market every week.
  3. They hired workers to mule-drive the heavy machinery to the construction site.

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