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mountain nyala


Definitions from WordNet

Noun mountain nyala has 1 sense
  1. mountain nyala, Tragelaphus buxtoni - shaggy antelope of mountains of Ethiopia
    --1 is a kind of antelope
    --1 is a member of
     Tragelaphus, genus Tragelaphus, Strepsiceros, genus Strepsiceros

Definitions from the Web

Mountain Nyala

Mountain Nyala is a large antelope native to the highlands of Ethiopia. These majestic creatures are known for their distinctive appearance and habitat preferences.


Noun: A large antelope (Tragelaphus buxtoni) found in the mountainous regions of Ethiopia.

Senses and Usages

  1. Sense: Animal Species
  2. Example Sentence: The mountain nyala is an endangered species, with a dwindling population in its natural habitat.

  3. Sense: Wildlife Conservation
  4. Example Sentence: The government has implemented strict measures to protect the mountain nyala and its habitat.

  5. Sense: Photography and Wildlife Tourism
  6. Example Sentence: The mountain nyala sightings attract photographers and wildlife enthusiasts from around the world.

  7. Sense: Ecotourism
  8. Example Sentence: Visitors can witness the beauty of the mountain nyala while trekking through the Ethiopian highlands.

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