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Adjective motorized has 2 senses
- motorized, motorised, motored - equipped with a motor or motors; "a motorized wheelchair"
Antonyms: unmotorized, unmotorised, motorless
- mechanized, mechanised, motorized - using vehicles; "motorized warfare"
Antonym: immobile (indirect, via mobile)
Verb motorize has 3 senses
- motorize - equip with a motor vehicle; "The police around here are not motorized and patrol the streets on horseback"
--1 is one way to equip, fit, fit out, outfit
Sample sentence:
Somebody ----s something
- motorize - equip with a motor; "motorized scooters are now the rage"
--2 is one way to equip, fit, fit out, outfit
Sample sentence:
Somebody ----s something
- mechanize, mechanise, motorize, motorise - equip with armed and armored motor vehicles; "mechanize armies"
--3 is one way to equip, fit, fit out, outfit
Sample sentence:
Somebody ----s something