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mother's boy


Definitions from WordNet

Noun mother's boy has 1 sense
  1. mother's boy, mamma's boy, mama's boy - a boy excessively attached to his mother; lacking normal masculine interests
    --1 is a kind of son, boy

Definitions from the Web

Dictionary Definition: Mother's Boy


A mother's boy is a term used to describe a person, usually a male, who is excessively attached or subservient to his mother, often to the extent of displaying an unusual dependence on her.


  • 1. Noun: A man or a boy who possesses an overly intense bond with his mother, often at the expense of other relationships.
  • 2. Adjective: Describing a person, specifically a male, who is excessively influenced by or displays strong attachment to his mother.
  • 3. Idiom: Mother's boy can also be used idiomatically to describe someone who is easily manipulated or controlled by others, akin to being a "mama's boy."

Sample Sentences:

  1. The mother's boy still relied on his mother to make decisions for him even though he was well into his thirties.
  2. She found it difficult to maintain a romantic relationship with him because he had always been a mother's boy.
  3. Josh's friends teased him for being a mother's boy since he always prioritized his mother's wishes over his own desires.

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