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mooring mast


Definitions from WordNet

Noun mooring mast has 1 sense
  1. mooring tower, mooring mast - a tower for mooring airships
    --1 is a kind of tower

Definitions from the Web

Mooring Mast

A mooring mast refers to a tall structure used for the docking and securing of airships, blimps, or dirigibles. It acts as a fixed anchor point to which these aircraft are attached.


Sense 1: Noun

A tall structure used for the docking and securing of airships.

Example sentences:
  • The airship floated gracefully towards the mooring mast.
  • The mooring mast was constructed to withstand strong winds.


Usage 1: Popular

In popular usage, mooring masts are often associated with the golden age of airships in the early 20th century.

Example sentences:
  • Many renowned airships of the past were regularly seen at mooring masts around the world.
  • Tourists gathered to witness the grand departure of the airship from the iconic mooring mast.

Usage 2: Local

In local usage, mooring masts can refer to specific structures in a particular location or region.

Example sentences:
  • The historic mooring mast in our town's park is now a popular landmark.
  • Local aviation enthusiasts are working to restore the original mooring mast and preserve its legacy.

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