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monkey nut


Definitions from WordNet

Noun monkey nut has 1 sense
  1. peanut, earthnut, goober, goober pea, groundnut, monkey nut - pod of the peanut vine containing usually 2 nuts or seeds; `groundnut' and `monkey nut' are British terms
    --1 is a kind of edible nut
    --1 is a part of peanut, peanut vine, Arachis hypogaea

Definitions from the Web

Monkey Nut


A monkey nut, also known as a peanut, is a legume that grows underground. It has a hard reddish-brown shell and contains one or two edible seeds. Monkey nuts are a popular snack and are also used in the production of peanut oil.


Noun - Edible Seed:

Monkey nut refers to the edible seed found inside the shell. It is a nutritious source of protein, healthy fat, and various vitamins and minerals.

Sample Sentence:

I enjoy snacking on monkey nuts while watching a movie.

Noun - Hard Shell:

The hard reddish-brown shell that covers the monkey nut provides protection to the seed inside.

Sample Sentence:

I tried cracking the monkey nut shell using a nutcracker, but it was too tough.

Noun - Plant:

Monkey nut can also refer to the plant itself, scientifically known as Arachis hypogaea, which belongs to the legume family.

Sample Sentence:

Monkey nut plants thrive in warm climates and require well-drained soil.

Adjective - Exuberant:

In local usage, monkey nut is sometimes used as an adjective to describe something or someone that is lively, energetic, or full of enthusiasm.

Sample Sentence:

The crowd at the concert was absolutely monkey nut, cheering and dancing to the music.

Possible Related Products:

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