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Term Definition: Monitorising

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense 1:

Definition: The act of carefully observing, tracking, or supervising something on an ongoing basis.

Sample Sentence: The manager is monitorising the progress of the project to ensure it stays on track.

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Sense 2:

Definition: The practice of monitoring computer systems or networks to detect and address potential issues or breaches.

Sample Sentence: The IT department is constantly monitorising the company's servers to ensure optimal performance.

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Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1:

Definition: The act or process of keeping a close eye on something.

Sample Sentence: The monitorising of wildlife populations helps conservationists understand their behavior.

Search related wildlife monitoring equipment on Amazon

Sense 2:

Definition: The display screen of a computer or other electronic device.

Sample Sentence: She adjusted the brightness on the monitorising to reduce eye strain.

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