Definitions from WordNet
Noun mohawk river has 1 sense | ||||
Definitions from the WebMohawk RiverNoun: The Mohawk River is a river in the eastern United States. It is a major tributary of the Hudson River, flowing approximately 149 miles from central New York to the point of confluence in Cohoes. Example sentence: The Mohawk River is known for its breathtaking scenery and is a popular destination for boating and fishing enthusiasts. Related products on Amazon: Mohawk River Map, Fishing Gear for Mohawk River Adjective: The Mohawk River region is home to several charming towns and villages. Example sentence: Travelers often explore the scenic beauty of the Mohawk River region during the fall, when the foliage is spectacular. Related products on Amazon: Travel Guide to Mohawk River Region, Photography Book: Mohawk River Region Adjective: Mohawk River blueberries are known for their exceptional sweetness and rich flavor. Example sentence: The local farmers' market is the perfect place to find fresh Mohawk River blueberries. Related products on Amazon: Fresh Mohawk River Blueberries, Cookbook: Delicious Blueberry Recipes featuring Mohawk River Blueberries | ||||
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