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Definitions from WordNet

Noun ml has 1 sense
  1. milliliter, millilitre, mil, ml, cubic centimeter, cubic centimetre, cc - a metric unit of volume equal to one thousandth of a liter
    --1 is a kind of metric capacity unit
    --1 is a part of centiliter, centilitre, cl
    --1 has parts: cubic millimeter, cubic millimetre

Definitions from the Web



ML, short for machine learning, is a subfield of artificial intelligence that focuses on the development of algorithms and models that enable computers to learn and make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed. It involves the use of statistical and mathematical techniques to train systems on large datasets and improve their performance over time.

Sample Sentences:

Noun (1):

  1. I'm currently studying ML algorithms for my research project.
  2. ML has revolutionized various industries, including finance and healthcare.

Noun (2):

  1. She is a master of ML and has developed several impressive predictive models.
  2. The team's ML model accurately predicts customer preferences.


  1. The company invested in ML software to improve its data analysis capabilities.
  2. We need to hire an ML specialist to optimize our machine learning processes.


  1. They are currently working to ml the system and improve its accuracy.
  2. He spends hours each day trying to ml the algorithm to perform better.

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