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Definitions from WordNet

Noun minicomputer has 1 sense
  1. minicomputer - a digital computer of medium size
    --1 is a kind of
    digital computer

Definitions from the Web



A minicomputer refers to a type of computer that is smaller and less powerful than a mainframe computer but larger and more powerful than a microcomputer. Originally introduced in the 1960s, minicomputers were popular in businesses and research institutions before the advent of personal computers.


1. Noun: a small computer with capabilities between those of a microcomputer and a mainframe computer.

2. Noun: a person who operates or uses minicomputers.


Example 1: The company implemented a minicomputer system to handle its complex data processing needs.

Example 2: As a minicomputer expert, John was responsible for maintaining and troubleshooting the organization's computing infrastructure.

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