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Definitions from the WebTerm: minhatDescription:Minhat is a noun which refers to a traditional Hebrew offering given to the temple or a gift to a religious establishment. It can also be used as a verb to describe the act of making such an offering or giving a religious donation. Sense 1: Noun - Hebrew OfferingMinhat, as a noun, specifically refers to a traditional Hebrew offering given to the temple or a gift to a religious establishment. It is usually accompanied by prayers and is seen as a generous act of worship. Sample Sentence:During the festival, the faithful brought their minhat to the synagogue as an offering to honor their ancestors. Related Products:![]() Sense 2: Verb - Making a Religious DonationMinhat can also function as a verb, indicating the act of making a religious donation or giving a contribution to a religious institution. It involves giving money or other valuable items to support the activities and maintenance of the establishment. Sample Sentence:The congregation minhat their weekly tithe, ensuring the continuation of their local community center. Related Products:![]() | ||||
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