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Definitions from WordNet

Noun mimer has 1 sense
  1. mime, mimer, mummer, pantomimer, pantomimist - an actor who communicates entirely by gesture and facial expression
    --1 is a kind of actor, histrion, player, thespian, role player
    --1 has particulars: Marceau, Marcel Marceau
    Derived form: verb mime2

Definitions from the Web



A mimer is a skilled performer or actor who communicates through gestures, expressions, and body movements, often without using words. The term can also refer to a Swedish nationalized telecommunication company.


As a performer:

  1. The mimer captivated the audience with his extraordinary pantomime skills.
  2. She trained extensively to become a professional mimer.
  3. The street artist amused the passersby with his delightful mime performance.

As a telecommunication company:

  1. Mimer is known for providing high-speed internet services in Sweden.
  2. I switched my internet provider to Mimer for a more reliable connection.
  3. Mimer offers affordable communication packages for both residential and business customers.

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