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Definitions from WordNet

Noun millipede has 1 sense
  1. millipede, millepede, milliped - any of numerous herbivorous nonpoisonous arthropods having a cylindrical body of 20 to 100 or more segments most with two pairs of legs
    --1 is a kind of arthropod
    --1 is a member of Diplopoda, class Diplopoda, Myriapoda, class Myriapoda

Definitions from the Web


A millipede is a type of arthropod belonging to the class Myriapoda, characterized by having numerous segments on its elongated body, each bearing two pairs of jointed legs.

Millipedes can vary in size, ranging from a few millimeters to several centimeters in length, and are generally found in damp habitats such as forests, gardens, and caves.

They are known for their distinctive cylindrical shape and can be found in a variety of colors, including brown, black, and red.

Senses and Usages:


  • A millipede crawled across the forest floor, its multitude of legs moving in synchronized waves.
  • We encountered a large millipede while hiking in the rainforest.


  • The millipede infestation in the garden caused concern among the homeowners.
  • She found a millipede-like toy with movable legs at the store.


  • I accidentally millipeded on the pavement, causing me to slip and fall.
  • The caterpillar transformed into a beautiful butterfly, leaving behind its millipeding days.
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