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microwave bomb


Definitions from WordNet

Noun microwave bomb has 1 sense
  1. microwave bomb, E-bomb - a bomb that explodes in midair and releases a massive burst of electromagnetic energy sufficient to disable computers and telecommunications without killing people or damaging buildings
    --1 is a kind of bomb

Definitions from the Web

Microwave Bomb


A microwave bomb refers to a type of explosive device that utilizes electromagnetic microwave radiation to create an explosion. It releases an intense burst of microwaves which interferes with electronic equipment, causing malfunction or destruction. Microwave bombs are typically used for military purposes or acts of terrorism.



1. The military deployed a microwave bomb to disrupt enemy communications during the operation.

2. The terrorist organization threatened to detonate a microwave bomb in a crowded area if their demands weren't met.


1. The engineers were tasked with designing a prototype that could microwave bomb enemy installations effectively.

2. The terrorist plot to microwave bomb the city's power grid was foiled by the intelligence agency.

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