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Definitions from WordNet

Noun micron has 1 sense
  1. micron, micrometer - a metric unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter
    --1 is a kind of metric linear unit
    --1 is a part of millimeter, millimetre, mm
    --1 has parts:
     nanometer, nanometre, nm, millimicron, micromillimeter, micromillimetre

Definitions from the Web



A micron is a unit of length equal to one millionth of a meter, primarily used to measure very small distances or objects.

It is also a term used in technology to refer to the size of microchips, transistors, and other electronic components.

Senses and Usages:

1. Measurement:

In the field of science and engineering, a micron is extensively used to express the size of microscopic particles or the thickness of thin films.

Example sentence: The dust particle in the air was only a few microns in size.

2. Technology:

In the realm of technology, the term "micron" signifies the size of electronic components, especially in microelectronics or nanotechnology.

Example sentence: The new microchips are built with features that are only a few microns wide.

Related Products:

Micron Measurement Tools
Micron Microchips
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