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A museum is a building or an institution dedicated to preserving, exhibiting, and educating the public about art, history, science, or other significant cultural artifacts and objects.

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Senses and Usages:

Sense 1: Noun

Definition: A building or an institution dedicated to preserving, displaying, and studying art, historical objects, scientific specimens, or cultural artifacts.

Example sentence 1: The Louvre Museum in Paris is renowned for its extensive collection of famous paintings, sculptures, and artifacts.

Example sentence 2: We spent the entire day exploring the British Museum and learning about world history.

Sense 2: Verb

Definition: To visit or spend time in a museum for the purpose of exploring and learning about its collections.

Example sentence 1: During our trip to New York City, we plan to museum-hop and visit all the major art galleries and museums.

Example sentence 2: As an art enthusiast, I love to museum every weekend to immerse myself in different artistic styles.

Sense 3: Adjective - Popular

Definition: Referring to something that is well-liked, favored, or enjoyed by a large number of people.

Example sentence 1: The museum exhibition showcasing the works of Van Gogh has become incredibly popular, attracting thousands of visitors.

Example sentence 2: The museum café is always bustling with activity, as it is a popular spot for locals and tourists to have a cup of coffee.

Sense 4: Adjective - Local

Definition: Referring to something that is specific or characteristic of a particular place or region.

Example sentence 1: The museum's collection reflects the local history and cultural heritage of the surrounding region.

Example sentence 2: The museum gift shop offers a variety of handicrafts made by local artisans.

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