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Definitions from WordNet

Adverbial mercilessly has 1 sense
  1. mercilessly, pitilessly, unmercifully, remorselessly - without pity; in a merciless manner; "he was mercilessly trounced by his opponent in the House"
    Derived from adjective merciless1

Definitions from the Web

Term: Mercilessly


Mercilessly, an adverb, is used to describe an action or behavior that is done without pity, compassion, or remorse. It signifies the absence of mercy or kindness towards someone or something.

Sample Sentences:

- The villain ruthlessly and mercilessly tortured his victims, leaving them in excruciating pain.
- The teacher reprimanded the student mercilessly for his constant disruptions in class.
- The company started laying off employees mercilessly to cut costs.
- The hurricane mercilessly destroyed entire neighborhoods, leaving behind a trail of devastation.
- Despite being injured, the athlete continued to fight mercilessly for victory.

Related Products:

- Books with "merciless" in the title
- Movies portraying merciless characters
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