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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective mentholated has 1 sense
  1. mentholated - containing, or impregnated with, menthol; "mentholated cough syrup"

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Refers to a substance containing or treated with menthol, a crystalline compound with a mint-like odor, commonly used for its cooling effect.

Parts of Speech:

  • Adjective: The adjective form of mentholated describes something that is treated with or containing menthol.


  1. The mentholated ointment provided relief to his sore muscles.
  2. I prefer using mentholated cough drops when I have a cold.
  3. The mentholated shampoo leaves a refreshing sensation on your scalp.
  4. She applied a mentholated balm to soothe her chapped lips.

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