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melville bell


Definitions from WordNet

Noun melville bell has 1 sense
  1. Bell, Melville Bell, Alexander Melville Bell - a phonetician and father of Alexander Graham Bell (1819-1905)
    --1 is a kind of phonetician

Definitions from the Web

Melville Bell

Definition: Melville Bell refers to the renowned Scottish teacher and elocutionist who greatly contributed to the field of speech study and phonetics during the 19th century.

Part of Speech:


  1. The surname Bell primarily associated with the family of Alexander Melville Bell and his son Alexander Graham Bell.
  2. A person who studies or practices elocution and speech training.

Sense 1: Surname

Sample sentence: Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone, was part of the distinguished Melville Bell family.

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Sense 2: Elocution and Speech Training

Sample sentence: Melville Bell's innovative techniques and research greatly influenced the study of elocution and speech training.

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