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Definitions from WordNet

Adverbial melodiously has 1 sense
  1. melodiously, tunefully - in a melodious manner; "she sang melodiously"
    Antonyms: unmelodiously
    Derived from adjective melodious2

Definitions from the Web

Term: melodiously

Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense 1: In a melodious manner; with a pleasant and musical sound

Usage 1: The birds chirped melodiously, filling the air with sweet tunes.

Usage 2: The pianist played the piece melodiously, captivating the audience with her skillful playing.

Sense 2: In a melodic manner; with a tuneful and flowing quality

Usage 1: The singer sang melodiously, hitting all the high notes effortlessly.

Usage 2: The wind chimes tinkled melodiously in the gentle breeze.

Sense 3: In a harmonious manner; with a pleasing and coordinated effect

Usage 1: The orchestra played melodiously, blending all the instruments in perfect harmony.

Usage 2: The children's voices joined together melodiously in a choir.

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