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megalithic arch


Definitions from the Web

Megalithic Arch


The term "megalithic arch" refers to a large stone structure or monument that consists of an arched opening, typically created by arranging massive rocks or megaliths in an arch-like shape. It is an architectural feature commonly found in ancient civilizations and often associated with megalithic or prehistoric structures.


Sense 1 (Architecture):

In architecture, a megalithic arch is a type of arch-shaped structure formed by arranging multiple enormous stones or megaliths, often without the use of mortar or other binding materials.

Sample Sentence 1: The megalithic arch at Stonehenge is an impressive example of ancient architectural craftsmanship.

Sample Sentence 2: Researchers are fascinated by the complexities of constructing megalithic arches during prehistoric times.

Sense 2 (Historical Significance):

From a historical standpoint, megalithic arches hold significant cultural and archaeological importance, providing insights into the ancient civilizations that built them.

Sample Sentence 1: The megalithic arches in Malta provide valuable clues about the prehistoric societies that once thrived on the island.

Sample Sentence 2: Exploring the megalithic arch sites can be an exciting opportunity to delve into the mysteries of the past.

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