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mediterranean cypress


Definitions from WordNet

Noun mediterranean cypress has 1 sense
  1. Italian cypress, Mediterranean cypress, Cupressus sempervirens - tall Eurasian cypress with thin gray bark and ascending branches
    --1 is a kind of cypress, cypress tree

Definitions from the Web

Mediterranean Cypress


Mediterranean cypress, scientifically known as Cupressus sempervirens, is an evergreen tree native to the Mediterranean region. It is characterized by its tall, narrow shape and dense, dark green foliage. The wood of the Mediterranean cypress is highly valued for its durability and aromatic properties.


1. Noun

An ornamental tree belonging to the Cupressaceae family, native to the Mediterranean region, and widely cultivated for its elegant appearance and pleasant fragrance.


The garden was adorned with several majestic Mediterranean cypress trees.

2. Adjective

Referring to something related to or characteristic of the Mediterranean cypress tree.


The Mediterranean-style villa showcased a beautiful cypress door.

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