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Word: Maundane

Part of speech: adjective

Sense 1: Lacking interest or excitement; dull or boring.

Sample sentence 1: The maundane lecture on data analysis made everyone in the room feel sleepy.

Sample sentence 2: After reading a series of maundane novels, she turned to thrillers for a change.

Related products: Exciting Books

Sense 2: Associated with the everyday; ordinary or commonplace.

Sample sentence 1: He grew tired of the maundane routine of waking up, going to work, and coming back home every day.

Sample sentence 2: The painter found inspiration in turning maundane scenes into breathtaking works of art.

Related products: Everyday Objects

Sense 3: Regional term used to refer to a large basket or container.

Sample sentence 1: The villagers used a maundane to collect the fresh produce from the fields.

Sample sentence 2: She carried a maundane filled with flowers to decorate the festival venue.

Related products: Large Basket

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