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Noun matchweed has 1 sense
  1. matchweed, matchbush - any of several plants of the genus Gutierrezia having tiny flower heads that resemble the heads of matches
    --1 is a kind of subshrub, suffrutex
    --1 is a member of Gutierrezia, genus Gutierrezia
    --1 has particulars:
     little-head snakeweed, Gutierrezia microcephala; rabbitweed, rabbit-weed, snakeweed, broom snakeweed, broom snakeroot, turpentine weed, Gutierrezia sarothrae; broomweed, broom-weed, Gutierrezia texana
matchlock matchmaker matchmaking matchs matchstick matchstick men matchsticks matchup matchweed matchwood mate mated matedon matel mateless matellic element matelote

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