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maryland chicken


Definitions from WordNet

Noun maryland chicken has 1 sense
  1. Maryland chicken - chicken fried than oven-baked and served with milk gravy
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Maryland Chicken


Maryland Chicken refers to a popular dish traditionally made with deep-fried or roasted chicken that is seasoned with a mix of spices and herbs, typically associated with the state of Maryland, United States.

Parts of Speech:

  • Noun: "We had Maryland Chicken for dinner yesterday."
  • Adjective: "The crispy Maryland Chicken was incredibly tasty."

Senses and Usages:

  1. A local specialty of Maryland, characterized by its unique seasoning and cooking techniques.
  2. Sample sentence: "Tourists often visit Maryland to try the famous local specialty, Maryland Chicken."

  3. A term used colloquially to refer to any chicken dish prepared in a style similar to that of Maryland Chicken.
  4. Sample sentence: "John's restaurant serves the best Maryland Chicken in town."

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