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maple sugar


Definitions from WordNet

Noun maple sugar has 1 sense
  1. maple sugar - sugar made from the sap of the sugar maple tree
    --1 is a kind of
    carbohydrate, saccharide, sugar

Definitions from the Web

Maple Sugar


Maple sugar refers to a sweet crystalline substance made from the sap of various species of maple trees. It is a natural alternative to refined sugar and is prized for its distinct flavor and nutritional qualities.

Senses and Usages:


1. A type of sweetener made by evaporating the sap of maple trees, typically used in baking, cooking, and as a tabletop sweetener.

Example sentence: I sprinkle some maple sugar on my oatmeal for a delightful twist of flavor.


1. Pertaining to the flavor or characteristics related to maple sugar.

Example sentence: The cake had a subtle maple sugar glaze, which enhanced its taste.


1. To sweeten or flavor something with maple sugar.

Example sentence: She decided to maple sugar her coffee instead of using regular sugar for a change.

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