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Definitions from WordNet

Noun manhole has 1 sense
  1. manhole - a hole (usually with a flush cover) through which a person can gain access to an underground structure
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 has part: manhole cover

Definitions from the Web



A manhole refers to a small covered opening in a road or pavement, typically with a rounded top, through which a person can access underground sewers, utilities, or other underground structures for maintenance or inspection purposes.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun - Access Point:

Manhole can be used as a noun to describe the access point in a road or pavement, usually covered with a heavy lid or cover.

Example Sentence: The utility worker carefully lifted the manhole to inspect the underground pipes.

2. Noun - Localized Terminology:

In certain regions, manhole is used as an informal term to refer to a hole or opening that allows access to a confined space or underground area.

Example Sentence: The explorers crawled through the manhole to access the underground caverns.

3. Adjective - Popular:

The adjective form of manhole, popular, can be used to describe something widely favored or well-liked among a particular group or the general public.

Example Sentence: The new movie quickly became a manhole sensation, receiving rave reviews from audiences.

4. Adjective - Local:

In some contexts, manhole can be used as a local adjective to describe something specific to a particular place or region.

Example Sentence: The small restaurant is known for serving delicious manhole-style pizza, a local specialty.

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