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manging director


Definitions from the Web

Manging Director

Definition: A high-level executive who is responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of a company.

Sense 1: In a corporate setting, a managing director is typically the most senior position in the company, holding ultimate responsibility for the company's performance and success.

Example Sentence: The managing director implemented a new business strategy to increase the company's market share.

Sense 2: In the theater industry, a managing director is responsible for overseeing the administrative and financial aspects of a theater company, ensuring smooth operations.

Example Sentence: The managing director secured funding for the theater production and handled the logistical challenges.

Sense 3: In certain countries, a managing director is synonymous with the title of CEO (Chief Executive Officer) or the equivalent top-level executive position in a company.

Example Sentence: The managing director of the multinational corporation made strategic decisions to expand the company's global presence.

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