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managing director


Definitions from WordNet

Noun managing director has 1 sense
  1. director, manager, managing director - someone who controls resources and expenditures
    --1 is a kind of administrator, decision maker
    --1 has particulars: bank manager; district manager; manageress

Definitions from the Web

Term: Managing Director

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: A senior executive who is responsible for the overall business operations and strategic planning of a company.

Sense 1: In a corporate setting, the managing director is the highest-ranking executive who oversees all departments and ensures the company's goals are achieved.

Example Sentence 1: The managing director implemented a new business strategy to boost company profits.

Example Sentence 2: As the managing director, it is his duty to make crucial decisions for the organization.

Sense 2: In theater or film production, the managing director is responsible for the financial, marketing, and administrative aspects of a production.

Example Sentence 1: The managing director secured funding for the play and organized its successful marketing campaign.

Example Sentence 2: The managing director's role is to ensure the smooth running of the production by managing budgets and schedules.

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