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  1. Adjective - Popular Usage:
  2. Referring to something that resembles or has the characteristics of a mall.

    • Example Sentence 1: The newly constructed shopping center has a mall-like atmosphere with its wide corridors and numerous store options.
    • Example Sentence 2: The hotel lobby was designed in a mall-like style, featuring multiple shops and restaurants for the convenience of guests.
  3. Adjective - Local Usage:
  4. Specific to or characteristic of a particular region or locality in terms of resembling a mall.

    • Example Sentence 1: The mall-like layout of this neighborhood's marketplace makes it a popular social hub for locals.
    • Example Sentence 2: The street-facing storefronts in this mall-like district create an inviting and lively atmosphere for shoppers.
  5. Noun - Popular Usage:
  6. A space or area that has been designed to mimic the environment of a mall.

    • Example Sentence 1: The park's outdoor plaza has been transformed into a mall-like where vendors sell various products and food.
    • Example Sentence 2: The convention center features a dedicated section that serves as a mall-like for exhibitors to showcase their latest products.
  7. Noun - Local Usage:
  8. A specific mall that holds significance within a particular region or locality.

    • Example Sentence 1: The locals often refer to this shopping mall as the 'mall-like' due to its resemblance to a renowned city mall.
    • Example Sentence 2: The mall-like in this small town has been a gathering place for generations, offering entertainment, shopping, and dining options.
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