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Definitions from WordNet

Noun maleness has 1 sense
  1. maleness, masculinity - the properties characteristic of the male sex
    --1 is a kind of sex, gender, sexuality
    Antonyms: femaleness, feminineness
    --1 has particulars: virility

Definitions from the Web



Maleness refers to the state or quality of being male. It encompasses the characteristics, attributes, and roles typically associated with males in a given society.

Sample Sentences

Senses and Usages

1. Noun

Sense: Biological and physiological state of being male.

  1. His maleness is evident from his deep voice and facial hair.
  2. Male seahorses exhibit maleness by carrying the eggs until they hatch.

2. Noun

Sense: Expression of masculinity.

  1. The movie portrayed a powerful and rugged representation of maleness.
  2. He was praised for embracing his maleness and challenging gender stereotypes.

3. Noun

Sense: The male gender.

  1. Maleness and femaleness are two distinct genders.
  2. He didn't want his maleness to define his identity.

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