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make worse


Definitions from the Web

Make Worse

Part of Speech: Verb

Definition: To cause something to become worse in quality, condition, or value.

Example Sentences:

  1. Her constant criticism only served to make the situation worse.
  2. Using expired ingredients will make the recipe worse.
  3. The heavy rain will make the road conditions worse for the morning commute.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Describing something that is of poorer quality or in a more unfavorable condition than before.

Example Sentences:

  1. The make worse conditions of the old building made it uninhabitable.
  2. After the accident, her injuries became make worse, requiring immediate medical attention.
  3. The economic downturn led to a make worse job market.

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: A worsening or deterioration of a situation or condition.

Example Sentences:

  1. The make worse of the environmental crisis is a cause for concern.
  2. The make worse in her health led to her absence from work.
  3. The make worse of the company's financial state prompted drastic measures to be taken.

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