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make do with what


Definitions from the Web

Term: make do with what

Description: The phrase "make do with what" refers to the act of managing or coping with the resources or materials currently available, even if they are limited or insufficient to fulfill one's needs or desires. It emphasizes the ability to adapt and make the best out of a situation.

Sense 1 (Verb - Make do with what): To utilize the available resources or materials to fulfill a particular purpose or achieve a desired outcome, despite their limitations.

Example Sentence: Despite the lack of proper tools, the carpenter had to make do with what was available in order to complete the project on time.

Related Products on Amazon: [Make Do Tools], [Make Do Crafts]

Sense 2 (Verb - Make do with what): To manage or cope with the existing circumstances or situation, making the best use of whatever is available.

Example Sentence: With limited food supplies, we had to make do with what we had in the kitchen to prepare a meal for the unexpected guests.

Related Products on Amazon: [Make Do Cookbook], [Make Do Kitchen Utensils]

Sense 3 (Phrase - Make do with what): It can also be used as a standalone phrase to encourage resourcefulness and creativity in handling challenging situations.

Example Sentence: When life throws unexpected obstacles, sometimes we just have to make do with what we have and find innovative solutions to move forward.

Related Products on Amazon: [Make Do Self-Help Books], [Make Do Inspiration]

make bold make check make clean make clear make correct prediction make debut make decision make do make do with what make do with what one has make ends meet make for make friend make from make full make fun make fun of

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