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Definitions from WordNet

Noun majesty has 1 sense
  1. stateliness, majesty, loftiness - impressiveness in scale or proportion
    --1 is a kind of impressiveness, grandness, magnificence

Definitions from the Web



Majesty is a noun that refers to the greatness, splendor, or regal power of a person or thing. It can also be used as a title for a sovereign monarch.

Senses and Usages:

  1. General Sense:
    • as a noun: The majesty of the sunset filled the sky with vibrant colors.
    • as a noun: The majesty of the cathedral inspired awe in all who visited.
    • as a noun: The majestic lion ruled over its territory with authority and grace.
  2. Regal Title:
    • as a noun: Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, attended the royal event.
    • as a noun: His Majesty, King Philip, addressed the nation in a televised speech.

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