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Definitions from WordNet

Noun main-topmast has 1 sense
  1. main-topmast - the topmast next above the mainmast
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web


Noun (sailing)

The main-topmast refers to the taller mast mounted on the mainmast of a sailing vessel. It is usually positioned above the main-topgallant mast and supports the topgallant sail.

Example Sentence:

The crew hurriedly climbed the main-topmast to unfurl the topgallant sail before the strong winds hit.

Noun (architecture)

In architecture, the main-topmast refers to the uppermost part of a column, often comprising a decorative capital or just extending above a lintel.

Example Sentence:

The Corinthian main-topmast of the ancient temple showcased intricate floral designs.

Adjective (local)

In a local context, the term main-topmast is used to describe something popular or commonly known by the majority of people in a particular area.

Example Sentence:

The local bakery is famous for their main-topmast pastry, enjoyed by all residents in the town.

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