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Definitions from WordNet

Noun mailsorter has 1 sense
  1. mailsorter - a sorter for sorting mail according to the address
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web


A mailsorter refers to a person, machine, or software used to organize and distribute mail efficiently. It can have various senses and usages depending on the context.


  1. A mechanical device used in post offices or large organizations to automate the sorting and routing of mail.
  2. Example: The mailsorter scanned each letter and determined its destination within seconds.

  3. A person responsible for manually sorting and categorizing mail according to specific criteria.
  4. Example: The diligent mailsorter quickly sorted the stack of envelopes by postcode.


  1. To use a mailsorter machine or software to automatically organize and categorize mail.
  2. Example: The company decided to mailsorter all incoming mail to optimize the delivery process.

  3. To manually sort and organize mail according to specific criteria.
  4. Example: She meticulously mailsorted the packages based on their size and priority level.

If you are interested in purchasing a mailsorter, you can find related products on Amazon:

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